For Volunteers


Volunteers provide their time, energy and expertise to assist with all sorts of activities undertaken by Rotary New Zealand and its partners.


Volunteering at home

Some activities take place in New Zealand such as organising supplies for, and packing Emergency Response Kits. Please contact us if you would like to volunteer your services to Rotary New Zealand here at home. You may have just the skill set we need.

Volunteering overseas

Volunteering for placement overseas is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. However, there are several important considerations to ensure you are well prepared and well protected for your placement and time away.

Insurance for Volunteers

All Rotarian volunteers are reminded that they need to take out adequate travel insurance once they book their overseas fare.

For full advice on this and other volunteering issues, contact RNZWCS Limited Administrator Stuart Batty as soon as volunteer assignments are determined.

Tips for Volunteers

We have prepared a checklist to help you make the appropriate preparations for your placement.

Policy Documents for Volunteers

Please read our documentation prior to volunteering.

Current Vacancies Overseas

RNZWCS Limited partners with and lists vacancies with Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) to find the right people for roles on its various projects outside New Zealand.

Check out the latest opportunities on VSA’s website and/or download the brochure created especially for Rotarians interested in becoming a volunteer with VSA.


"In everyone’s life, at some time,
our inner fire goes out.
It is then burst into flame
by an encounter with another human being.
We should all be thankful for those people
who rekindle the inner Spirit."
- Albert Schweitzer

Contact Us

For further information call +64 272695615
or send an email to

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