Together we can change lives

Rotary New Zealand launches specific appeals to raise funds to help those in desperate need whether they are victims of a natural disaster such as a cyclone or earthquake or find themselves in a war zone.


Working with Civil Defence and other agencies, Rotary New Zealand provides rapid response when there are humanitarian crises such as after the devastating volcanic eruption and tsunami that struck Tonga in January 2022. Donations help us provide Emergency Response Kits and/or other basic necessities. We also support and work with our partners in the recovery phase.

While much of our work and fundraising efforts are focussed on the Pacific, they also extend to other parts of the world such as war-torn Ukraine, and Turkey and Syria following the massive earthquake. We respond to crises at home too. We raised funds to help with the Christchurch earthquake recovery and now seek donations to assist individuals and communities impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.

To give to the appeal of our choice, please click the DONATE NOW button below and include its reference number. Thank you.

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This project offers hope to some 140 children who have no other opportunity of getting out of the poverty rut. 

The children are homeless for a variety of reasons, including family violence, extreme poverty, alcoholism and as a result of AIDS. They are from low-income families and broken homes. In the streets their beds are the hard ground and their only shelter has been retailers’ doorways or in culverts under roads where they hide to avoid being raped, assaulted, or even murdered. Without a pit latrine their conditions are squalid. 

The women live in abject poverty. Many have been abandoned by their partners who may have left looking for employment, leaving the women to care for small land holdings and raise the children. Lack of knowledge in farming and technical experience has left families completely destitute and dependent on charity. 

The project outcomes are housing, vocational training, and physical and emotional support and giving a hand up to learn new skills on growing and harvesting crops and raising livestock. ‘Laketatu' Training Centre enables them to earn a living, encouraging them through active participation and training in best agricultural practices. The once street children will be taught basic life skills such as sewing, baking, in horticulture, and in farming chickens, rabbits, goats, cows and pigs. The same opportunities will be offered to adults to assist them find sustainable sources of income. 

Donors are invited to contribute to building 24 units (12 funded to date). Each houses four people, together with a communal kitchen, administration block, water bore and water harvesting, and other amenities. Construction costs for each unit is NZ$4,000. Each unit carries a plaque showing the name of the donor Rotary Club or individual. 

To be part of ‘Laketatu', please donate through: 

RNZWCS Limited Westpac account 
03 1702 0192208 01 Ref: 316 SWIFT Code WPACNZ2W


January 2025 update
Please continue to support our Ukrainian Relief Aid Appeal. With no end to the conflict in sight, we're very reliant on your donations to fund our response to this humanitarian crisis. Our focus is to meet the lifesaving needs of the crisis-affected civilian population.


We continue to partner directly with Rotary Ukraine as it forwards donations to where they’re most needed. Senior Ukraine Rotarian IPDG Volodymyr Bondarenko manages the New Zealand response and sends regular updates, often reporting his community is under rocket fire. 

Initially, our donors funded essential medicines, medical equipment, food, water, clothing and linen. This was followed by powerful diesel and gasoline generators delivered to communities and hospitals across 11 cities where the electricity grids had been destroyed. Modular buildings are now being installed to replace family homes that have been destroyed. The overall worldwide Rotary target remains to build 300. 

Lately, New Zealand donors have provided a much-needed ambulance. Thank you.
We’re now fundraising to provide a Ford Ranger all-terrain vehicle for a special subdivision of rescuers-deminers engaged in civil demining of the de-occupied territories in Donetsk region.

This appeal is supported by the Ukraine Associations of New Zealand and other concerned New Zealand citizens. Rotary in Ukraine has 62 clubs, 1111 Rotarians, and 380 Rotaractors who work with a committee set up by PDG Volodymyr.

Caution: Please donate to RNZWCS Limited if you are gifting to this crisis (or in fact to any other overseas humanitarian aid project). We are aware of scams being perpetrated which may have already ‘caught’ some. RNZWCS Limited also require accountability reports. 

You may wish to donate via our bank account. Here are the details:
RNZWCS Limited Westpac account
03 1702 0192208 02 or 01  Ref: 0115  SWIFT Code WPACNZ2W

If paying by credit card, please select the Disaster Relief Appeal cause on this page and use 0115 as a reference.

Contact Us

For further information call +64 272695615
or send an email to

For our latest news, follow us on Facebook:
RNZWCS NEWS: Click here

Your donation to Rotary New Zealand's projects greatly assists our work. Thank you. Your gift is appreciated and is tax-deductible in New Zealand. 

Please select a payment option that suits.



Donate directly from this site.

Alternatively, you could donate on Givealittle

If you’re a New Zealander living in Australia who wishes to donate to our Emergency Response Kit appeal, we suggest you use this link for tax deductibility in Australia.

We invite New Zealand tax payers who wish to donate to RAWCS projects (our equivalent in Australia) to do so through our site by quoting the project no. as in this example:
17-2014-15: Maternal & Child Health Project (MACH), Worldwide
Explore RAWCS projects and appeals by following this link:

At Westpac

Donate at any Westpac branch or via internet banking.

RNZWCS Westpac account
03 1702 0192208 02

Please put your name in the transaction reference field.