About Us
Rotary New Zealand - Serving communities in developing countries
Rotary New Zealand World Community Service was established to facilitate the international aid and development work undertaken by New Zealand Rotarians and their partners.
Service Above Self is Rotary’s motto. Serving others, especially those less fortunate than ourselves, is a big part of what service should be about. Rotarians serve their own local communities and also their wider international community. Rotary New Zealand was established to facilitate the international aid and development work undertaken by New Zealand Rotarians.
Who is RNZWCS Limited (Rotary New Zealand)?
New Zealand Rotarians partner in a variety of humanitarian projects, many of them in the Pacific though there are others in countries such as Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, India and Nepal. International community service sometimes brings Rotary clubs from two or more countries together to serve one of their communities through a particular project. It’s true teamwork as there are always a number of other parties involved – local people in the project itself, governments, local authorities, and other partner NGOs. There is a great deal of work required in the background to ensure that projects Rotary New Zealand is involved in are well managed and as sustainable as possible. This is why RNZWCS Limited (Rotary New Zealand) was established.
In brief, we assist in the selection, scoping, management and funding of international projects. We also encourage New Zealanders to participate in project activities by inviting them to donate funds and/or where the situation calls for it, to volunteer as mentors. We also liaise with governments, insurance underwriters, corporate affairs commissioners and other bodies and departments.
RNZWCS Limited is a professionally run company that represents and works for all Rotarians in New Zealand. Board members serve for up to three years and may be elected for a second term. The directors no longer represent a district as the RNZWCS Constitution has changed.
Chairman: Tony Fortune email: amf@fmlaw.co.nz
Executive Director: Stuart J Batty email: info@rnzwcs.org
Bruce Morrison email: bmorrison@xtra.co.nz
Nick Hurley email: nickhinbrisbane@me.com
Valda Cordes email: valda.cordes@xtra.co.nz
David Black email: projectstarfishnz@gmail.com
Lynne Trafford email: lynne@traffordconsulting.co.nz
Rodney Finch email: rjfinch1812@gmail.com
Jeanette Drysdale email: drysdale_ja@xtra.co.nz
Lynne Joseph email: lynne1.joseph@xtra.co.nz
The Board appoints an executive director to undertake company operations. Stuart Batty is the current executive director and administrator. Email: stuart.batty@rnzwcs.org
How is RNZWCS Limited funded?
Rotarians and the public generously support Rotary New Zealand’s work overseas. In addition, since 1997, Rotary New Zealand has been responsible for development grants worth NZ$18 million, and from 2005, has received funding for its emergency response projects from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade's Disaster Response Partnership.